M A R Y L A N D L I G H T H O U S E S |
Existing Lighthouses |
"Crossed The Bar" |
Baltimore Harbor Light |
Blakistone Island |
Bloody Point Bar |
Bodkin Island |
Concord Point Light at Havre de Grace |
Brewerton Channel Range |
Cove Point |
Cedar Point |
Craighill Channel Range Lights (4) |
Choptank River |
Drum Point (Relocated to Calvert Marine Museum) |
Clay Island |
Fishing Battery |
Cobb Point Bar |
Fort Carroll |
Fog Point |
Fort Washington |
Great Shoals |
Hooper Island |
Greenbury Point Shoal |
Hooper Strait (Relocated to Chesapeake Bay Maritime Museum) |
Holland Island Bar |
Lazaretto Point (Replica) |
Janes Island |
Piney Point |
Love Point |
Point Lookout |
Lower Cedar Point |
Point No Point |
Maryland Point |
Pooles Island |
Mathias Point Shoal |
Sandy Point Shoal |
Ragged Point |
Sevenfoot Knoll (Relocated to Baltimore's Inner Harbor) |
Sharkfin Shoal |
Sharps Island |
Somers Cove |
Solomons Lump |
Upper Cedar Point |
Thomas Point Shoals |
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Turkey Point |
V I R G I N I A L I G H T H O U S E S |
Existing Lighthouses |
"Crossed The Bar" |
Assateague |
Back River |
Cape Charles |
Bells Rock |
Cape Henry (Old) |
Bowlers Rock |
Cape Henry (New) |
Cherrystone Bar |
Chesapeake Light Tower |
Craney Island |
Jones Point |
Deep Water Shoals |
Newport News Middle Ground |
Dutch Gap Canal |
New Point Comfort |
Great Wicomico River |
Old Point Comfort |
Hog Island |
Smith Point |
Jordan Point |
Thimble Shoal |
Killock Shoal |
Wolf Trap |
Lambert's Point |
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Nansemond River |
Old Plantation Flats |
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Pages Rock |
Point of Shoals |
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Pungoteague River |
Stingray Point |
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< TD>Tangier Sound
Tue Marshes |
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Watts Island |
White Shoal |
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Windmill Point |
York Spit |
D E L A W A R E L I G H T H O U S E S |
These three lighthouses are the only ones in Delaware considered to be in the Chesapeake Chapter's "core geographic area"; there are many others located in Delaware and Delaware Bay. |
Fenwick Island |
Harbor of Refuge |
Lewis Breakwater |
L I G H T H S H I P S |
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Bowlers Rock; Bush Bluff |
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Thirty-Five-Foot Channel |
Cape Charles / Chesapeake |
Upper Cedar Point |
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Craney Island |
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Willoughby Spit |
Hooper Strait |
Windmill Point |
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Janes Island |
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Winter Quarter Shoal |
Lower Cedar Point |
Wolf Trap Shoals |
Portsmouth |
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York Spit |
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Smith Point |
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Tail of the Horseshoe |
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By clicking on the links to the individual lights above you can view pictures and learn about the historical facts surrounding our Chesapeake Heritage. You will also find additional information such as maps and directions to the lights. |